We love Czech comedies! Yes,
we know, we are not unique. Perhaps mostly of you have already seen Empties but
it is still worth mentioning. This film tells a story of an elderly literature teacher
from a high school in Prague. Josef Tkaloun, set up by his lazy pupils, decides
to quite the job. Instead of getting retired he undertakes new professional challenges.
He starts to bike as a courier but he soon realizes that it is not for him.
Josef is physically fit but digitally illiterate. Next choice is a supermarket
where he recycles glass bottles, the empties. And the new life begins – with new
inspirations, observations, flirts…
Jan & Zděnek Svěrák - son and father duo
This film (Vratné lahve – in Czech, 2007) is made by Jan Svěrák. The main role stars his father Zděnek
Svěrák. It is the third movie in the trilogy on aging that commenced 1991 with
The Elementary School and continued in 1996 with the Oscar-winning Kolya. On
the DVD’s extras one can see how the famous family team is working plus some
additional scenes, a gallery, the storyboard and comics.
Comic love story
Empties is a moving Czech
comedy – good for laughing and thinking over. Is an old, pardon, an elderly,
person condemned to an empty life, without love and tenderness? This comic love
story shows the opposite. We have just seen it for the second time. And enjoyed
it as years ago. Each of us has his/her own favorite scene. Paul likes Josef
trying to teach literature and me – the mysterious traces on the wall behind the
counter. What exactly? Watch it :).
Director: Jan Svěrák
Writer: Zděnek Svěrák
Runtime: 1h 44min
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Premiere: 2007
Studio: Portobello Pictures
Zděnek Svěrák - Josef Tkaloun
Tatiana Wilhelmová – Helena,
his daughter
Daniela Kolářová - Eliška
Jiři Macháček – Landa, his
Pavel Landovsky – Řezáč
Fot. Wikipedia
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