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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2020

DAU. Natasha - the most controversial film project at Berlinale 2020

DAU. Natasha - film works in Kharkiv, Ukraine - fot.   I have to confess I wasn’t aware of all the controversy the film DAU. Natasha had provoked when I decided to go for a screening of this film. The controversy had circled around the production of the DAU project - shot as 700 hours raw material from 2008 to 2011 on set in Kharkiv/Ukraine - as well as in particular the torture scene of the DAU.Natasha installment depicting a women forced to insert a bottle into her vagina. I’d dare to guess that Russian main regisseur  Ilya Khrzhanovsky deliberately choose to scandalize his DAU-films and its production on set as a kind of shock advertisement. Khrzhanovsky might have followed a trick often used by Vladimir Sorokin , the Russian playwright initially involved into his DAU project but parting soon over differences. However it was, let me write down, why I (dis)liked that film. DAU. Natasha - grandest cinematic experiment in Russia The ...

Berlin Film Festival - Berlinale 2020

  Berlinale 2020 - The 70th German Film Festival - Fot. Paul It was that time of the year again – for eleven days in February Berlin has been totally dominated by Cinema. The 70th Berlinale is just over. We will write about some films that we were able to see soon. Beyond you find the main awards of Berlinale 2020. With more than 400 films shown the German film festival attracts the largest audience of any film festiwal in the world.  Berlinale (Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin) has a rich history: it was created in 1951, at the beginning of the Cold War. Shaped by the post-war period and the unique situation of a divided city, the Berlinale has developed into a special place of intercultural exchange. This year it was not different. See what the international juries found interesting.  Berlinale Awards 2020